Last night was daim's birthday.we celebrated it at kuala perlis.the fact is,we felt like we celebrated our birthday because daim didnt manage to eat anything.he just eat few fish,crab and etc but we(AS A FOODHUNTER)ate more than him.haha.there's nothing to say.school went well.and i think after this,life gonna be hectic with upcoming exam.ok,school just started few days ago but i tend to talk about EXAM.-_-.My physic's teacher said the first test will be on February(very soon -_-) .oke laa.till now,*LoveLikeThis*.take care and love ya xoxo
danish comeiiiiiiiiiiiii.geram tengok dia !!!
ReplyDeletehaha birthday adik,kakak yg makan over. ;P
aida,exam bulan february ka? ish tak suka gilaaaaaa :(
eii x comei ponn -_-
ReplyDeletehaha .ya,cikgu fizik aku kataa