Saturday, August 20, 2011

I do not understand

I do not understand why sometimes there's people that can put his/her bf or his/her crush in the front list over his/her bestfriends.the thing is,who wipes your tears when you're about to cry?who sits beside you and holding your hands and play together.who?Your bestfriends.I do not understand why there's sometimes,the person who's at the first,asking and begging for everyone to not forget him/her and in the end,they are the person who forgets everything.I've been through this things a lot of time.It's not how everything gone through,the thing is,I do not understand and I simply need a simple explanation on how this things work.And I know the explanation will include excuses.HaHa.Stupid.All I ever received are,stupid and lame excuses.I dont mind if the person walk away from my life,u can go on with your life,the thing is,dont take me for granted.I hate it.If everything is over,that's over and will never proceed until everything's settle down.I dont like when I have to pretend to be nice and smile over smirk face behind.HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa STUPID.Goodbye.