Thursday, February 24, 2011


Hai and Assalamualaikum!:)
Well,I hope everyday is Friday !So that I dont have to wake up earlier just to go to school.I love school,but,wrong timing lor :/So this morning,my dad woke me up and he said

Ayah:Ilah,bangun sembahyang
Me:Haa okee(dalam hati dok kata,arini hari apa,he supposed to ask me to wake up for school and then I checked my phone,6.30 am :O.What day is today?Then I checked the calendar and today is Thursday :(. )

I thought today is Friday so that I can pray and then continued with my sleep.Im too tired.What to do,Ive to wake up and get prepared and asked my dad to send me because my mom is always lateee(!)I dont know whats wrong with my school rules nowadays :/.I miss those time,when theres no assembly everyday.I seriously hate it.I have to rush just because I dont want to stand infront of everyone just because Im late :(.I know,its for discipline,but,I dont like it :(.I miss when we can wear black hijab to school

I wish,theres one week school and one week holiday.It must be really funn!Haha but my maid told me to be grateful because we had 2 holidays in a week while them only have one.And we have a lot of holidays and they dont.Sometimes my maid ask me,"Kenapa kamu ini selalu cuti.sekejap cuti sekejap cuti".What I've to answer if I dont know.Haha.I dont really feel that we have a lot of holidays :P.Haha.oke,till now.pen off.toodles!!Lots of love :*

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