hye and assalamualaikum :).
Erm,sometimes,we're,the normal people,think that,why should the tycoon or any of them,the millionaire,would fork out their money for 100k sometimes just for a handbag.and for us,who is just a normal people,will think,they're crazy nut and said to them that they can use it for charities.Well,after I've been thinking,I think I find the answer which it is for me,quite relevant.But,we've a different perspective right?So,I dont think so if all of u will accede with me or no.Your right :).
Well,I think,they have enough of everything.Sometimes,we tend to think,why they buy rm1million car like Maserati,Ferrari,Lamborghini,Bentley or even Bugatti?They can have a big house instead of buying that car.And the car doesnt provide even a toilet for u and neither bedroom.The answer is,they already have a big mansion so they want a new car just for fun.
And sometimes,we think why would they buy a handbag for 40k and sometimes can reach higher than that.We think that,they can use the money for charities.But I think,they had give ENOUGH charities and as for u,u work hard and everything to reach that high level,and u want to spend it for yourselves right?U cant be too generous and give all of ur money towards the one who need money and at last,u'll turn to poverty :/.what's the use of working hard if u're going to be the same, right?
And people will think,why they buy Vertu and Gresso if they can have at least Iphone,Blackberry or even Htc?Vertu costs rm50k and why would they buy it if they can have return first class ticket from kl to Heathrow for the same amount.The reason is still the same,They have all of them and they want something new for them :).
And,dont blame them for overspend their money,because,they know how much they have in their savings.It is just,their right to spend how much they want,and even though they will get broke,that is their problem.U just can give ADVICES but u cant restrict them from doing so.Dont ever do that.U're invading their life u know.
So,as for now,toodles,Assalamualaikum :).Hope u have a great weekend!